
Drugged Driving Can Lead to Criminal Charges and More

Driving while intoxicated or driving under the influence doesn't always have to involve alcohol. In some instances, drugs are the cause of the intoxication. Those drugs aren't always illegal drugs. In fact, nasal decongestants and medications for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder can lead to these charges.

The instance of driving under the influence of drugs has risen in previous years. Marijuana and amphetamines are the two most common categories of drugs that people are impaired by while driving.

The dangers of drug-impaired driving aren't limited only to the criminal charges you might face. In 2013, 38 percent of people who died in automobile accidents had detectable levels of drugs that could impair their driving. That percentage is roughly equal to the number of drivers who had alcohol detected.

While the proof is readily available about the effects alcohol has on drivers, no such proof is readily available regarding marijuana and illegal drugs. It is widely accepted that marijuana can reduce your reaction speed, which can lead to an accident.

The Governors Highway Safety Association is calling for more awareness on the part of law enforcement officers. One suggestion is that officers learn the signs of driving under the influence of different substances. Those signs could be behavioral or physical, but chemical testing would still be necessary since no breath test is available for drugs.

If you are facing drugged driving charges, you need to learn your options right away. Having a drugged driving conviction on your driving record, as well as your criminal record, could have a negative impact on you.

Source:, "Study: Driving while drugged as deadly as drunk," Carina Storrs, Oct. 01, 2015
